Happy Birthday Chan
Disclaimer: The characters of SF are property
of Capcom, not me.
(It’s Sunday, October 24th,
Chan wakes up from her bed to go to church.)
Chan: “Uh, another day, it’s
my birthday, I’m 16 now, I wonder what I’m gonna do today.”
(Chan gets herself all dressed up nice
and heads out the door with her family, as she leaves, her brother leaves the door unlocked. As soon as everyone is out of
sight, every single SF character from Street Fighter 1, 2, 3, and Alpha run in the door followed by Jami, Dustin, Daryl, Stephanie,
Jimmy, CMK, Tru, DeNice, Nitro, Josh, Lyrix, and Miguel.)
Jami: “Whoo-hoo! Another b-day fic!”
E. Honda: “Shall I make the cake
Dustin: “Yeah, and make it bigger
this time, we have more people to feed.”
E. Honda: “You got it.”
Sakura: “Do I have to get naked again?”
Daryl: “Not this time because Chan
isn’t a lesbian.”
Steph: “But you can boss people around
this time.”
Sakura: “Ok, Ryu give me a foot massage!”
Ryu: “You got it chief.”
(Ryu starts to give Sakura a foot massage.)
Jimmy: “I don’t think church
is gonna be long enough for us to set up for this.”
Nitro: “Yeah, but there are more
of us, we could set up a lot faster.”
Miguel: “True, but still we need
to run a distraction, for there is a lot to do. CMK, go distract Chan, that’s your job.”
CMK: “All right, will do.”
Tru: “And Josh, you be lookout.”
Josh: “No problemo.”
(CMK and Josh head outside to do their
DeNice: “What about the rest of us?”
Lyrix: “We’re all gonna set
up in here or stay of the way if you aint gonna do anything.”
(Sagat is busy unloading munchies from
Dustin’s car, and Adon is bugging him.)
Adon: “Hey Sagat! Hey Sagat! Hey
Sagat! Hey Sagat! Hey Sagat!”
Sagat: “WHAT!”
Adon: “What are you doing?”
Sagat: “I’m getting the food
ready damn it!”
Adon: “Can I help you? Can I help
you? Can I help you?”
Sagat: “Yeah, make yourself useful,
and shut up!”
Adon: “Shutting up.”
(Elsewhere, Dee Jay, Elena, and Sean are
busy deciding what music to play.)
Dee Jay: “So what should we play
this time?”
Elena: “Rock music, Chan is big on
that type of stuff.”
Sean: “And techno, that stuff is
kind of fun.”
Jami: “Yeah, lots and lots of rock.”
Dee Jay: “Let’s just play what
we played last time.”
Elena: “So you mean rock, rap, reggae,
techno, and Latin music?”
Sean: “Precisely, and some R&B
Tru: “Sounds good to me.”
DeNice: “Sounds good to all of us.”
Hugo: “Not me, I wanna hear some
Sean: “Polka sucks.”
Hugo: “Damn, no love for the polka
Jimmy: “Indeed.”
(Also, Gill and Urien are busy unloading
a DDR machine and carrying it into Chan’s house.)
Nitro: “Aw man, why are they here?”
Gill: “The story did say everyone
from SF1, 2, 3, and Alpha.”
Urien: “And besides, DDR is fun.”
Necro: “Amen!”
Gill: “Do you have a problem with
us anyways?”
Nitro: “I just wish you guys would
put some pants on.”
Necro: “Amen, we’re all tired
of seeing you two walk around in thongs!”
Urien: “All right, we’ll put
on some pants after we set up the DDR machine.”
Daryl: “Thank goodness.”
(Over on the couch, Guile and Charlie are
busy going over a document.)
Steph: “Hey what you guys looking
Guile: “It’s confidential!”
Charlie: “Let’s just tell them
all right, after all this is just a fiction.”
Guile: “We’re planning something
called “Operation Kill Van Damme” ok.”
Lyrix: “Why do you wanna kill Van
Charlie: “Because of that god awful
SF movie, it made us all look bad.”
M. Bison: “Well, all of us that were
in it.”
Chun Li: “Mind if I join this mission,
I hated that movie.”
Fei Long: “At least the actress that
played you was sexy though, I wasn’t even in the movie, I’m in on this mission too!”
Ken: “I hate the way I was portrayed
in that garbage, I’m gonna help out too.”
M. Bison: “Count me in as well!”
Ken: “Whoa, Guile and M. Bison working
side by side on something, I never thought I’d see this.”
Chun Li: “You and me both.”
E. Honda: “I’d help, but I’m
too busy making this cake.”
Guile: “Ok then, let’s go over
the mission folks!”
(All around the house, decorations are
being set up.)
Vega: “At least these decorations
are nicer than the last time.”
Q: “Well, because they are more feminine,
this b-day party is for a chick anyways.”
Vega: “I know that, that’s
why they look nice.”
Q: “You’re way too metrosexual
T. Hawk: “Enough bickering you two,
these decorations aren’t gonna put themselves up you know.”
Alex: “Yeah, I’m tired of setting
up balloons and all that crap, I wanna do something else.”
T. Hawk: “You heard the man, so let’s
get this done as soon as we can.”
Alex: “So get the lead out and no
more bickering over this stuff.”
Q and Vega: “Yes sir Alex sir!”
(Oro pulls out a Playboy magazine and begins
reading it.)
Oro: “Yeah, this is nice, since Sakura
isn’t baring it all this time, I’ll bring my own entertainment.”
Lee: “Let me see that too.”
Gen: “Don’t forget me.”
Oro: “C’mon Gen, you can’t
even wake up your package.”
Gen: “I took Viagra, that stuff really
Lee: “Well then, come enjoy the peep
show then!”
Rose: “Ay, you three are still dirty
old men.”
Oro: “Of course we are, didn’t
you hear us the last time?”
Rose: “I know, you guys are gonna
be that way until you’re dead old men.”
Gen: “Damn right!”
Rose: “I’m gonna go talk to
Dhalsim, at least he isn’t dirty!”
(Rose walks over to Dhalsim.)
Dhalsim: “Oh, hi Rose, I’m
busy setting up the decorations right now.”
Rose: “Let me help you, I can’t
stand being around the dirty old men any longer.”
Dhalsim: “I know, I’m not hanging
around them either, I don’t wanna get aroused this time.”
Rose: “Why not, you got every other
guy jealous of you?”
Dhalsim: “Because Zangief and Eagle
are around.”
Zangief: “Me still want Dhalsim long
Eagle: “Yeah, so do I mate.”
Dhalsim: “You’re out of luck
this time.”
Eagle: “Aw c’mon cut us some
Dhalsim: “Sorry, but I’m straight.”
Zangief: “Crap!”
(Dan walks up to Remy and Dudley.)
Dan: “Hey Remy, do you have anymore
turd and piss, I loved it the last time and I want more.”
Remy: “One moment please.”
Dudley (whispering): “I can’t
believe he actually thinks it’s a French delicacy.”
Remy (whispering): “Let’s have
him eat two turds and a glass of piss again, it’ll be funny!”
Dudley: “Balrog, get over here!”
Balrog: “You called Dudley.”
Dudley: “Piss in the glass, poop
on the plate ok.”
Balrog: “Okie dokie!”
Miguel: “Let’s go see if CMK
is doing his job.”
(Church lets out, Chan is walking out of
the doors when she sees CMK waving at her.)
Chan: “Hey Stephen, what are you
doing here?”
CMK: “What, I can’t come
by and see my friend on her birthday?”
Chan: “I didn’t say that, so
what do want with me?”
CMK: “I’ll treat you to lunch
if you’d like.”
Chan: “Sounds good to me!”
(CMK helps Chan get in this car and they
drive off. So back to the party)
Jami: “Good Stephen!”
(Ibuki is walking around with a medal around
her neck that says “Best SF Ninja”)
Makoto: “All hail Ibuki, the greatest
ninja, the most popular character in SF3.”
Geki: “The person who tried to put
my nuts in a Salad Shooter!”
Makoto: “All hail Ibuki!”
Ibuki: “Yes, sing the song of me,
the greatest ninja in Street Fighter history!”
Guy: “She only won that argument
because she has a lot of hentai!”
Geki: “How do you know that?”
Makoto: “I told you guys that remember.”
Guy: “That and I have a lot of it.”
Ibuki: “You’re a naughty boy
Geki: “Can you give me some?”
Guy: “Sure why not, marvel in her
Maki: “What, you have hentai of her
but not of me?”
Guy: “I couldn’t find any of
Maki: “You son of a bitch, I’ll
kill you!”
(Maki starts chasing Guy around as Guy
screams and runs away. Geki, Ibuki and Makoto all laugh at Guy.)
Birdie: “Shouldn’t you go help
your friend Cody?”
Cody: “Nah, he can handle Maki on
his own, besides it’s not my business.”
Birdie: “I want a rematch with you.”
Cody: “I’ll just win again
because storyline wise I’m more powerful than you are.”
Birdie: “Crud, ok forget it.”
Josh: “I’m getting bored out
here, there isn’t anyone to talk to.”
Sakura: “Ok, Akuma, go outside and
do lookout with Josh.”
Akuma: “Why me?”
Sakura: “Because you did a good job
last time during Tru’s b-day.”
Akuma: “Oh all right.”
(Akuma goes outside to be lookout alongside
(Joe walks around with a T-shirt on that
says, “I’m a failure”)
Cody: “Hey Joe what’s with
the shirt?”
Joe: “Well I was considered a failure
by my own creator so I got a shirt made that said I am a failure.”
Cody: “C’mon man, you’re
not a complete failure.”
Joe: “Oh yeah, name one good thing
I did.”
Cody: “You were the base for my fighting
Joe: “Hmm, you’re right about
that, guess I’m not a complete failure after all.”
Cody: “Exactly.”
(Retsu dances around the house waving a
wad of cash)
Karin: “Hey, where’d you get
the cash Retsu?”
R. Mika: “Did you find work?”
Retsu: “Yes I did.”
Karin: “Doing what?”
Retsu: “I’m a gigolo.”
R. Mika: “A jigga what?”
Retsu: “Women pay me to give them
Karin: “That’s a disturbing
Sakura: “Oh yeah, well I want you
and Mika to draw a picture of Retsu giving the BOTH of you pleasure, so do it now, you don’t want to be on my bad side!”
R. Mika: “Shit!”
(Elsewhere, Yun and Yang are busy flirting
with Juli and Juni once again.)
Yun: “Hello Juli!”
Yang: “Hello Juni!”
Juli: “Hey, good to see you guys
Juni: “Let me guess, you wish to
engage in intercourse with us once again.”
Yun: “You can say that again!”
Juni: “Let me guess, you wish to
engage in intercourse with us once again.”
Yang: “Yep, so how about it?”
Juli: “Ok, we enjoyed it last time.”
(Yun and Yang drag Juli and Juni off somewhere
to get it on.)
Balrog: “Hey Dudley, I got the shit!”
Dudley: “Did you get the piss too?”
Balrog: “Yeah.”
Remy: “Sweet, oh Dan, we got your
two turds and a glass of piss ready if you want it.”
Dan: “Oyaji! I love that stuff.”
Blanka: “Oh c’mon Dan, you
really like feasting on someone’s urine and excrement?”
Dan: “It’s a French delicacy.”
Blanka: “But the French people are
Ken (whispering): “Hey guys, Dan
is about to fall for the same prank again!”
Fei Long: “I can’t believe
he actually thinks that’s a French delicacy.”
Chun Li (whispering): “I guess it’s
good that he doesn’t go to French restaurants.”
Dan: “Oh I love this stuff.”
Dudley: “Well you’re our buddy
Dan so we’ll let you have it whenever you want.”
Dan: “Thanks.”
Blanka (inner thoughts): “Dan you’re
an idiot.”
(Adon is also still bugging Sagat)
Adon: “Hey Sagat! Hey Sagat! Hey
Adon: “Give me a dollar and I’ll
leave you alone.”
Sagat: “Damn I don’t have my
wallet on me.”
Rolento: “I’d give you a dollar,
but I wasted my money on grenades.”
Sodom: “I don’t have dollars,
I have yen.”
Adon: “I don’t want yen, I
want a dollar!”
Sagat: “Hey Retsu, can I borrow a
dollar, I’ll pay you back in the next b-day fic.”
Retsu: “Sure, Adon annoys the crap
out of me too so it’s understandable.”
(Sagat takes the dollar from Retsu and
gives it to Adon.)
Adon (singing): “I got a dollar,
I got a dollar, I got a dollar! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!
Lyrix: “It’s good that he’s
not bugging you anymore, but that singing is annoying!”
Jami: “Adon, don’t make me
hold you down and duct tape your mouth shut!”
Adon: “Shutting up!”
(Jimmy and DeNice are busy making fried
chicken, Dee Jay, Elena, and Sean try to steal a piece of chicken, but all get their hands slapped!)
Jimmy: “No, bad Street Fighters!”
Dee Jay: “Oh mon, we’re hungry!”
Sean: “Yeah, can’t we take
a lunch break now?”
Miguel: “Oh all right, everybody,
lunch time!”
E. Honda: “Whoo-hoo! Lunch!”
Ryu: “Can I go eat Sakura, my hands
are getting tired.”
Sakura: “Oh ok.”
(Jami’s phone rings, it’s CMK
on the phone)
Jami: “Stephen, how are you doing
at distracting Chan?”
CMK: “Good, I took her to the movies.”
Jami: “Good, that will give us some
time, don’t worry we’re almost done.”
CMK: “Good, I’ll see you guys
Jami: “Bye.”
(After finishing their lunch, everyone
continues doing what they were doing.)
Guile: “All right, if we can gather
more people, soon we will be able to carry out this mission!”
Charlie: “Yes, and then Van Damme
will no longer taint the world with his horrible movies.”
M. Bison: “And Raul Julia can stop
turning over in his grave!”
Chun Li: “He did that movie because
his kids were fans of the game, so I don’t think he regrets doing that movie, after all, his acting was pretty good.”
Ken: “Yeah, too bad it was his last
Fei Long: “What a way to end your
Alex: “Bloodsport was Van Damme’s
only good movie!”
T. Hawk: “Yeah it was, after that,
it was all downhill for him.”
Q: “Us three are getting in on this,
after all, we are done setting up the decorations.”
(Cammy and Twelve are still busy wrapping
Chan’s presents)
Cammy: “Damn this stupid wrapping
paper, it’s getting on my nerves!”
Tru: “You mean you didn’t take
time to learn how to wrap a gift in the time between my b-day and Chan’s, what were you doing for four and a half months?”
Cammy: “Promoting the Street Fighter
Anniversary Collection, and the comics, and the action figures.”
Twelve: “10010010100010100010001000100100010100100”
Gill (now in priest robes): “He was
promoting it too.”
Miguel: “But he can’t speak
English, why would he promote it.”
Urien (now dressed in a business suit):
“I was there to translate for him.”
DeNice: “Hopefully in not just a
Urien: “Nah, I was fully dressed.”
Nitro: “Good.”
Dustin: “Any of you that know how
to wrap a gift go help Cammy and Twelve!”
Oro: “Sorry I’m busy!”
Gen: “Me too!”
Dhalsim: “I’ll do it, at least
it’s something to do.”
Rose: “I’ll help too, it keeps
me away from the three dirty old men.”
(With Dhalsim and Rose’s help, Cammy
and Twelve finish wrapping the gifts. Also, E. Honda has finished making the cake.)
E. Honda: “Behold my masterpiece.”
Sodom: “Once again, that cake could
feed Godzilla!”
E. Honda: “Who wants to help me frost
Eagle: “I will.”
Vega: “Me too!”
Makoto and Ibuki: “Count us in!”
Rolento: “I’ll put the candles
Steph: “No dynamite this time!”
Rolento: “I know that!”
(Within five minutes, the huge cake is
finally frosted. Jami’s phone rings again, CMK is on the phone once again.)
CMK: “Are you guys done yet?”
Jami: “Yeah, we got everything pretty
much set up now.”
CMK: “Good because we’re on
our way.”
Jami: “Ok later.”
Miguel: “Hey guys, Chan’s coming
soon, so if you’re not finished with your job, hurry up and finish!”
Daryl: “Yeah get the lead out of
your butts!”
(With that said, everyone speeds up their
jobs and the entire party is set up. Just as soon as Akuma and Josh burst into the door)
Akuma and Josh: “Chan’s coming,
hide everyone!”
(Everyone gets into their hiding places,
Chan and CMK open the door to her house and as soon as she turns on the lights, everyone jumps out of their hiding places)
All: “Surprise! Happy Birthday Chan!”
Chan: “What the, so this is why you
took me places Stephen?”
CMK: “Exactly, I was supposed to
distract you so we could set up for your party.”
Chan: “Oh, well thanks guys, it’s
really sweet.”
(Everyone gives Chan a hug and then her
gifts. After all the SF characters give Chan her gifts, the guys pull something out for her.)
Miguel: “We took the liberty of taking
someone you hate and making him your own personal piņata.”
(The piņata is none other than a big stupid
Chan: “Yay! A hacker piņata, thanks
Miguel: “Not too mention this b-day
fic is from all of us.”
Chan: “Again, thanks!”
(Chan grabs a metal baseball bat and then
starts whacking the hacker until she gets tired of it.)
Chan: “Ok, I’m tired, now let’s
have some cake!”
(Everyone begins to party, later that day,
Chan, Jami, and Steph are in another room.)
Jami: “How did you enjoy the party
Chan: “It was great.”
Steph: “Well Sakura came up with
another gift for you.”
(A stage appears from out of nowhere and
Guy, Cody, Yun, Yang, Ken, and Ryu all come out wearing tight black leather clothing.)
Sakura: “You’re gonna get your
own little show for your sweet sixteen.”
(All six guys begin to start dancing for
Chan while Chan takes turns smacking all of their booties.)
So in short, we say happy birthday Chan.
And may you have many more great ones to come!