The Lemonade Stand

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Episode 1: The Plans

*We find Jami and Dustin arguing over who looks grosser in a thong. Dustin brought up

Voldo and decided to tease Jami about it.*

Dustin: Hahaha, Voldo in a thong is dancing around your head huh?

Jami: *dies in fear*

Dustin: Crap, I gotta go get Raiden...Umm, what pie do you like? Chocolate?

Jami: *still dead*

Dustin: Crap *performs CPR* 1! 2! 3! ...Ah what the hell...*pours ice cold water on Jamsy*

Jami: *wakes up*

Dustin: Did you like the CPR?

Jami: I dunno, I wasn't awake for it.

Dustin: Hahahaha.

Jami: Dustin...where did you get that water?

Dustin: It was from Voldo’s toilet XD

Jami: O_O *dies and goes to the netherealm*

Dustin: God dammit *travels to the netherealm to find Jamsys soul*

At the Netherealm

Scorpion: ...Hey Jami, u have a king?

Jami: ...go fish...

Scorpion: DAMN IT!


Drahmin: Hey Jami, let’s go on a date!

Jami: Over my dead body!

Drahmin: *Takes off his mask* Come on, gimme a smooch!

*Scorpion spears him and he runs away*

Jami: ...that was just creepy

Scorpion: Agreed

*Then Dustin opens a portal and brings Jamsy back to Earth along with Scorpion... because he paid for Dustin's gas money!*

Scorpion: Hell yea!

Dustin: So you're alive again

Jami: I guess.

Dustin: Want more CPR?

Jami: *glares at Dustin*

Dustin: Just kidding!

Scorpion: Suuuuuuuure.

Jami: Hey Dustin, Scorpion's my bodyguard number one!

*Then for no apparent reason, Dustin cuts Scorpion's head off*

Jami: MY BODYGUARD! Now I gotta get another one.

Dustin: Ummm...sorry about that. I'll be your bodyguard XD

Scorpion *puts his head back on* That's better.

*Suddenly, Scorpion gets a page. He has to go back to the Netherealm to get his socks from the Dry Cleaners*

Scorpion: Laters *leaves*

Dustin: I'll be your bodyguard until he gets back!

*Then Sub-Zero appears*

Sub-Zero: I'm her bodyguard number 2

Jami: Sorry Dusty but u can be bodyguard # 5

*Dustin goes through and kills bodygourds #2 through 4

Jami: You’re fired! *resurrects the other bodyguards*

Dustin: Fine then, you're banned from the island.


Jami: …You’re rehired...just don't kill my other bodyguards!

Dustin: Ok ok ok ok I won’t kill em!

Sub-Zero: Yay!

Dustin: But I cant speak for Li Mei and her melons…Uh oh...

Scorpion: ... Sorry Jami, I’m gonna bodyguard Li Mei’s melons.

Jami: ...NOOOO! Sub-zero, you’re promoted to #1

Sub-Zero: Yay!

*Frost comes and start to make out with Sub Zero*

Jami: Isn't she your sister?

Sub Zero: I don’t know, and what I don’t know doesn’t hurt me.

Everyone: o_O

Li Mei: Dusty can we all go to the island now?

Dustin: Ummmm...yeah.

Everyone: YAY!

Jami: We have to go shopping first.

Dustin: Except for Sub and Frost...that's too weird...

Sub-zero: *pushes frost*

Dustin: o.O

Sub-zero: NO! i wanna go!

Dustin: No inbreeding on our island!

Sub-zero: Okay.

Scorpion: *gives them a blood test* They're NOT related!

Dustin: ..... alright then...but stop dressing the same!!

Frost: *dresses in her alternate costume* Okay.

Dustin: Okay Jamsy, lets go get clothes for the Island.

Jami: Bodyguard #2 Kenshi is here and bodyguard #3 Kilik is here too.

Dustin: Okay...what about #4?

Jami: Your #4

Dustin: I'm number 5

Jami: Scorpion quit remember?

Dustin: Oh yeah, haha.

Scorpion: I want my job back

Jami: Okay #1.

Scorpion: Yay!

Dustin: Dammit!!

Sub-zero: Neu!

Dustin: Ok then, I have my four personal assassins...Assassin number one; Li Mei. Assassin number two; Mika. Assassin number three; Ivy. and Assassin number four; Sindel.

Jami: Okay so it's me, Dustin, Scorpion, Sub-zero, Kenshi, Kilik, Li Mei, Mika, Ivy, and Sindel.

Dustin: I like Sindel's thong.

Jami: ...

Dustin: ^_^

Jami: Anyone else we can invite?

Dustin: Ummm, we need a small military just incase shit goes down...and we need someone to work on the plumbing...

Sub-zero: I'm a good plumber, I did some plumbing in college.

Jami: And why would we need a military? It's a FREE island!

Dustin: Just in case the Dragon King tries to take over...geez Jamsy, think!

Jami: ...okay you are right.

Dustin: We also have Bison, Akuma, Shao Kahn, Shang Tsung, Quan Chi, and Nightmare to worry about, so we need good protection.


Everyone: ...

Li Mei: Kenshi, be quiet and look at my melons...oh wait, he's blind.

Everyone: ...

Scorpion: *tries not to laugh*

Ivy: This is so stupid.

Kilik: Why so?

Dustin: Shut up Ivy!

Kilik: Hey! I'm curious.

Ivy: Dont make me kill you Kilik.

Kilik: ...

Ivy: That’s better.

Jami: Boy this is going to be one friendly neighborhood.

Dustin: Maybe the boys and girls should have separate quarters...

Everyone: CO-ED! CO-ED!

Dustin: Fine fine.

Everyone: ...................................................................

Scorpion: So...

Mika: I'd say when we get there, we live right off the beach.

Sub-Zero: and what about shelter?

Li Mei: I hope the island has big melons like mine so no one will go hungry.

Everyone: ...

Sub-Zero: You know...I think we should have separate sex quarters.

Everyone: Yeah.

Dustin: Damnit! You people wanted CO ED!! UGH!!

Jami: so who else should we invite?

*Suddenly, Dan Hibiki appears!

Dan: Oyaajiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii take me tooo!!!!!!

Everyone: *sweatdrops*

Ivy: Oh god.

Sindel: Dammit.

Scorpion: *makes a neck slit a million times to Dustin*

Sub-Zero: *freezes Dan*

Dustin: Good timing.

Ivy: Dustin, Jami, standing around here is soooo pointless. Can we get moving?

Dustin: It’s up to Jami, she has the map.

Jami: Have we decided whether or not we want to invite anyone else?

Li Mei: We need enough people to have a volleyball tournament.

Scorpion: I hate volleyball

Sub-Zero: Can we invite Frost?

Dustin: Ummmm...*says Ummm for ten more minutes* ....yeah.

Sub-Zero: Yay!

Dustin: I guess its okay to have two fridges.

Scorpion: Yes 'cause fridges are cool! They can supply my beer!

Kilik: So I guess we can invite one more guy.

Mika: Hey, we need a lifeguard if we are gonna be on the beach a lot.

Ivy: Why??

Mika: So no one drowns.

Ivy: There's plenty of us around.

Dustin: Yea, I don't think we need a lifeguards.

Everyone: *nods*

Scorpion: So girls, any suggestions on what guy you would like to come with us?

Dustin: Sorry Scorp, but we have enough people as it is.

Scorpion: We're uneven!

Dustin: Okay okay!

Jami: There's more girls than guys by one!

Dustin: Let Jami pick the last guy.

Sindel: No, we have to vote.

Jami: Exactly.

Dustin: Okay okay, we'll vote.

Li Mei: We need nominees.

Jami: Well...

Dustin: How about Ryu?

Jami: Sure, and Guile?

Ivy: I say Zangief. We need a man like him to lug around furniture.

Mika: What about Guy?

Li Mei: Guy is too antisocial. He won't look at my melons.

Jami: He's not THAT antisocial, but let's add him to the nominees anyways. Who else? So far we have Ryu, Guile, Zangief, and Guy.

Dustin: I think Zangief is a good choice.

Jami: No one voted.

Li Mei: Zangiey yea!

Ivy: I say Ryu. He is well mannered for a man.

Jami: Agreed.

Kenshi: I don't care personally.

Kilik: I vote for Guile. He knows all about military strategy.

Scorpion: Yup.

Dustin: Yea, we do need someone in case of attack.

Mika: HEY! How about The Rock???

Jami: ...maybe...

Dustin: NO!

Jami: Okay, let's vote and you can only vote once...all in favor of The Rock say Aye...

Mika: I I I I I I I I I I I!!!!!!

Everyone: ...

Jami: All in favor of Guy said Aye.

Everyone: ....

Jami: All in favor of Guile say Aye.

Kilik: Aye.

Scorpion: Aye!

Jami: Guile wins so far...all in favor of Zangief say aye.

Dustin: Aye.

Li Mei: Aye. He has big melons too.

Jami: ...

Ivy: Yea, he needs to move my luggage.

Jami: Okay that three votes...

Sindel: We do need some more eye candy. I say yea.

Dustin: 4 votes for Zangief.

Jami: Okay...all in favor of Ryu say aye.

Sub-Zero: Aye.

Kenshi: Aye.

Jami: Aye.

Dustin: Aye.

Jami: Dustin! You voted twice!

Dustin: I did? ...oops.

Mika: I demand a recount!

Jami: Let's try again and everyone can vote this we all know Ryu and Zangief are the ones we want most...all in favor of Zangief say aye.

Ivy: Aye.

Li Mei: You know I say Aye.

Kilik: Yea, I need someone to help me move.

Dustin: Is that it?

Jami: Hmm...all in favor of Ryu say aye.

Sub-Zero: Aye.

Dustin: Aye.

Kenshi: Aye.

Mika: My Rocky.....*sniff*...

Scorpion: Aye! Ryu wins.

Dustin: Okay, who is gonna go find him?

Ryu: Hi guys.

Everyone: ...

Ivy: That was convienant.

Frost: Let's get our gear.

Sindel: Hey Ivy, where do you buy your thongs?

Ivy: Victoria's Secret, how about you?

Sindel: I borrowed mine from Kitana. I found Voldo sniffing my old pair. *shudders*

Dustin: o.O

Mika: Dustin, what are you listening too???

Scorpion: Ummm, what exactly do we need?


Scorpion: *slaps Dustin*

Dustin: O_O What happened?

Scorpion: Dude, we have to figure out what we need.

Mika: Yea!

Li Mei: Ummmm yea, we need food.

Jami: Of course.

Frost: Bathing suits.

Ivy: Hmph, I’m sure Dustin will like that.

Dustin: Quiet Ivy.

Kenshi: We also need games and stuff.

Kilik: We need training equipment.

Ryu: Yea, that’s the most important.

Sub-Zero: And lighters to light a fire.

Scorpion: Dude, I have that covered.

Sub-Zero: ...oh yeah.

Dustin: Ummmm, I'd say cute girls, but we have Evil Jami to cover that.

Jami: ...

Li Mei: Awwww, Dusty, I'm not cute??

Dustin: …

Kenshi: Any who...

Ivy: Don’t we have some supplies already on the island?

Jami: No, just the stuff we need to build our fort.

Dustin: Oh yea, the plane was full.

Sindel: We'll need weapons too.

Mika: Who needs weapons when you have a great wrestler like me?

Everyone: ...

Kenshi: *sharpens his katana*

Dustin: *Busts out his double lightsaber* I told you all Star Wars is awesome.

Jami: *steals Cyrax's pulse blade*

Ivy: Oh god. This isn't Sci-fi you two.

Jami: So?

Dustin: ^_^ You know you like it Ivy.

Ivy: *rolls eyes*

Scorpion: Oh and i have one other plan too.

Dustin: Oh yea?

Scorpion: Every month, we have to send two people back here to get more supplies.

Dustin: Sounds good, we'll draw straws each month to chose the 2 people.

Sub-Zero: Fine with me.

Li Mei: Awwwww, I don't ever want to leave Dusty's side.

Dustin:............Any who

Mika: Yea, anyway.......

Sindel: Let's go shopping!

Ivy: Yea, why not. You do need a new thong Sindel.

Sindel: Yup.

Dustin: Ummm, I think I'll stay here so I don't get hurt anymore.

Li Mei: *Grabs Dustin* YOUR GOING!

Dustin: o_O *as he is being dragged off*

*And so everyone does their shopping grabbing everything that they need...and Li Mei drags Dustin around the whole time.*

Mika: Poor Dustin.

Kilik: Yea, what has he gotten himself into...

Ivy: Beats me, but I' not getting him out of it.

Dustin: o_O *oh god, what have I done?*

*Later they are on the boats and heading towards the island*

Ivy: Ugh, this sea water just ruins my hair.

Jami ...

Mika: Hey, I loooooooooove the sea.

Sindel: Ivy, since when do you worry about that?

Kilik: I was just about to say the same thing.

Jami: Besides, most of the water is crystal clear.

Ivy: Hmph, a woman always has to look her best.


Sub-Zero: Hey look! A jellyfish!

Scorpion: Hey, I'm gonna touch it! *ZZZZZZZZZAAAAAAAAAPP!!!!!!*

Dustin: I guess it was electric.

Kilik: Ouch...

Sindel: Ahahahhhaha....

Mika: Awwww, Scorpion, are you hurt?

Scorpion: *sizzling*...I'm okay...

Dustin: Man, I love this ocean breeze....hey, what's that smell?

Sub-Zero: I dunno.

Kenshi: *sniff* Dustin! What did u do?

Dustin: Wasn't me! I swear....hey, where's Jami?

Kenshi: *tries to sense her* She's gone!

Mika: OH NO! She's missing!

Ivy: Just great.

Sub-Zero: Where do u think she went??

Dustin: I have no idea.

Li Mei: Do you think she is still on the boat?


Li Mei: *Grabs Dustin and squishes him to her melons* I wonder where she could have gone......

Dustin: Mphm Umph!!

*Suddenly a hand comes out, grabs Kilik, and pulls him underwater!*

Dustin: *finally gets free* What the hell was that?

Everyone: O_O

Mika: Ivy, go scout it out.

Ivy: No way! You scout it out.

Sindel: Ugh, Ivy, you're the great swordswoman.

*Suddenly the hand comes out again, grabs Ivy, and pulls her underwater!*

Dustin: Dammit! Sub-Zero, do something!

Sub-Zero: What do you want me to do?

Mika: Freeze the water!

Sub-Zero: No way! Then our friends will drown!

Dustin: Yea, that's not a good idea.

Sindel: We have to go down and get them.

*The hands comes up again, grab Mika, and pulls her in*

Li Mei: Mika!!!! *squeezes Dustin to her melons AGAIN*

Dustin: Li Mei, quit scrunshing me fath into your melonth.

*Then the hands grab Li Mei and pull her in*

Dustin: *gasps for air*

*Once again, the hands come up again, grab Sindel, and pulls her in!*

Dustin: Damnit! We gotta do something! Okay people, we're going to have to try to get in the middle!

*Suddenly, the hands come up once again, grab Scorpion, and pull him in*


*Dustin and the remaining sailors Kenshi, Sub-Zero, Ryu, and Frost attempt to get in the middle*

Dustin: If you see anything suspecious, scream.

Kenshi: Eh...

*Suddenly, the hands come up, grabs Kenshi, and pull him underwater*

Dustin: DAMMIT!

Frost: Well, he definitely didn't see that one coming.

Dustin: No time *hee hee* for *chuckles* puns.

*15 Minutes Later...*

Everyone: ............

Dustin: ...nothing's happening.

Ryu: Yeah.

Sub-Zero: ...I'll go check it out! *goes to check the side*

Dustin: No you idiot!

*Then, the hands come up, grab Sub-Zero, and pull him in.*

Ryu: Too late.

Frost: It's just the three of us what?

Dustin: Okay, let me think...DAMNIT!

Will Dustin come up with a plan? Will everyone be saved in time? Stay tuned in Episode Two: Sea-Diving Rescue.

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